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Roxtreme Parents

For Parents

Should you let you child(ren) come to Roxtreme?

This is a question for each family to decide for themselves, but we want you to have the information to make a good choice and we hope that you will be comfortable not only letting your kids come, but maybe even coming yourself.

The main obstacles that stand in the way for most people is the risk of extreme sports and the manner in which Roxtreme operates without liability insurance.

Risk - Unless your child is only coming to Roxtreme to watch others, hang out or watch/play music - most of the typical activities are at least somewhat risky and some may even be classified as dangerous. But, as you know, if your offspring is involved in an extreme sports, there is already risk. Where do you want your son or daughter riding?  Where is the risk most manageable?

We believe that there is less risk riding at Roxtreme than out on the roads and in most parking lots. If were are able to get the volunteer base that we are hoping for then the supervision will add another layer of comfort. We are attempting to develop a culture where people(including kids) encourage each other to progress at their own pace and ride safely, not pushing the limits to unsafe riding.

Although there seem to be statistics to support nearly every claim, extreme sports injuries are on the lower side of sports injuries as a whole.  Your child is more likely to be injured from soccer, cheerleading or many other main stream sports. 

Insurance - Roxtreme operates without liability insurance.  This is almost entirely because of the cost of insurance is incredibly high and we want to have a place where kids can ride for FREE.  Also, we have been told that if there is even one significant claim that any policy would likely be canceled. 

Most bike/skate parks close down because of an insurance claim.  To pay $10,000 to $15,000+ per year for insurance that is likely to go away with one claim seems bad stewardship and impractical.  The biggest skate parks in the country that have operate for years with insurance have almost exclusively had to go to a camp type format with costs ranging from $800 to $3,400 per week, mostly to combat insurance premium costs.  Can your family afford that?  People who ride want to ride regularly (usually daily) not one week a year. 

Most people expect small injuries to occur if they are jumping bikes or riding ramps on a board.  No one is real surprised if there are cuts, bruises and even an occasional broken bone... But, what do you do for a major injury?  Although unlikely, they can occur.  These are some of the things you need to work through before you sign the waiver allowing your child to participate at Roxtreme.

See also the rest of the site and the FAQ section for more information.  Keep in mind this site is being developed and more information is being added all the time.

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Some Questions...

What is your level of risk tolerance?

Do you let your offspring frequent other places that operate without insurance?  (i.e. roller rink, state parks, etc...)

Do you have health insurance?

How would you react to an injury or accident?